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  • Tom Sanders

What home buyers aren’t looking for:

We came up with this list of the biggest turnoffs for potential home buyers in Miami FL. If you want to sell your house in Miami, Fl, here is what you can do to maximize your chances of making a sale.

1. Dogs – You can never tell who is going to be a dog person but it’s easier to just not take the gamble. Some buyers can be scared or allergic to dogs, it is best if you keep your dogs at a distance. Especially if you have over friendly dogs, find a dog sitter for the day. Fido won your heart, but he won’t win the sale. If you cannot find a dog sitter, you can keep them at a place where there is a less possibility of them coming in close contact with the potential buyers.

2. Smells – You know what it feels like to walk into a space with a strange smell. Don’t make your potential buyers experience the same thing. Even if you think that your home is a breath of fresh air, take some time to make your house smell extra fresh and clean. Dousing it with perfume isn’t advised, since some home buyers might be sensitive to scents. Don’t alienate them with offensive odors. Take a look around your house, if there is a odor coming from a certain place, clean it well. You can use a mild room freshener or an air diffuser to keep your house smelling fresh.

3. Poor Lighting - No matter how clean your home is, dim lighting can give the impression of uncleanness. You might buy some extra-bright bulbs for the occasion. Just having more light in rooms makes the whole ambiance that much more exciting. Of course, that won’t make up for poor cleaning. Consider the color of your house while selecting the lights, if the room has darker shades, you might need extra bright lights. LED and CFL lights are the best options, because they are bright, save energy and are also cost effective. Do not place the light near things that can cast large shadows.

4. Needy Sellers - Sellers that hang around and peer over potential buyers while the house is being shown; introduce a sense of urgency and nervous energy to the proceedings. You’ll have a much more positive impact on a prospective buyer if you’re not there at all. Just find a good real estate agent to do the showing for you. It will be less stress for you, too. Try to make your buyer comfortable, if they have questions about the house, answer them politely. If they are concerned about some existing or potential issues with the house, address these concerns and provide solutions for them.

If you want to find out how thousands of home buyers in the area are selling their home in record time, give us a call. We can help you sell your home quickly, and introduce you to countless other properties in the area. You’ll never know the possibilities until you give us a call.

If you want to sell your house in Miami, Fl without going through the hassle of meeting multiple potential buyers, connect with us.

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